Pollinators’ Contribution to Artmaking Assisted by an Algorithm: the Pathmaker

Lorenzo Belenguer
Escapadas Ideas Mag
5 min readJul 12, 2022


Art works in mysterious ways. Art taps into society’s consciousness, such as Climate Change and Biodiversity, and expands it to a new level. Pollinator Pathmaker is the third edition by the artist Alexandra Daisy Ginsberg for the Serpentine Galleries and Kensington Gardens. As Ginsberg says:

If pollinators designed gardens, what would humans see?

All pollinators, not just bees, are essential for life’s survival on planet Earth. Their…



Lorenzo Belenguer
Escapadas Ideas Mag

Artist #Minimalism / Editor Escapadas Ideas Mag / MA #Ethics & #AI / #NonBinary / Paper on AI bias mitigation on Springer https://rdcu.be/cGMLz